
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

Creating a Windows batch file that ignores SSL certificate warnings in your favorite browser

In the example we will be using Google Chrome as our browser. Step 1 - Create .bat file in Notepad Open Notepad app in Windows and copy and paste the following text: start "" "c:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --ignore-certificate-errors Save the file as a .bat file  in your preferred location (I choose Desktop usually).  Make sure you choose "ALL Files (*.*)" as the File type when saving the file. Step 2 - Execute the file Make sure you have any no open Chrome session otherwise this will not work. This is specially useful whenever you going to configure a new network device via HTTPS where normally it comes with a Self-Signed certificate which by default not Trusted by the browser. With this technique you should be able to connect to the device while ignoring any SSL certificate warnings from the browser and of course as part configuring a network device a proper SSL certificate  will need to be installed for a secured web access to