Basic configuration of Palo Alto firewall using Terraform


  • Palo Alto VM series firewall on KVM (in my case, hosted in EVE-NG)
  • Terraform.exe file (Downloaded from Terraform official page)
  • Visual Studio Code software
  • Connectivity to Palo Alto machine from the host machine
Step 0 - Create a folder to host all Terraform files


Step 1 - Download terraform.exe file from Official Terraform page 
I am using Windows OS for this example but you can use Linux, MAC or other OS types as well

Extract terraform.exe in folder where all Terraform files are located --> C:\Users\angel\scripts\paloalto

Step 2 - Open Visual Studio Code and download the following Terraform related extensions:
  • Terraform
  • Hashicorp Terraform
  • Terraform advanced syntax higlighting
Step 3 - Create on terraform files folder


Step 4 - Edit with the following basic code. Make sure that indetation is well respected on file

terraform {
    required_providers {
        panos = {
            source = "PaloAltoNetworks/panos"

provider "panos" {
    # Configuration options
    hostname = "tatget_ip_address"
    username = "ssh_username"
    password = "ssh_password"

resource "panos_administrative_tag" "tag_test" {
    name = "internal"
    vsys = "vsys1"
    color = "color1"
    comment = "Internal resources"

       lifecycle {
        create_before_destroy = true

resource "panos_address_object" "angel-test1" {
    name = "angel-test1"
    value = ""
    description = "TEST NETWORK OBJECT"
    tags = [

    lifecycle {
        create_before_destroy = true

Step 5 - Open Terminal in Studio Code en execute terraform init, terraform plan and terraform apply commands

cd C:\Users\angel\scripts\paloalto\
.\terraform.exe init
.\terraform.exe plan
.\terraform.exe apply yes

Step 6 - If apply is completed succesfully then review config changes in Palo Alto GUI/SSH to confirm


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